Friday, June 7, 2013


We have added a new hike to Headwaters Park!

The Mill Creek Flood Quest is a great adventure for all ages.  The self-guided hike through the Park will take approximately 45 minutes, but it could be stretched out to include a lot of side-explorations. 

Questing began in New England by a gentleman named Steve Glazier.  He realized that there were so many places right in front of our noses that are overlooked because they are part of our daily lives.  He began to talk to groups and schools, working with them to develop Quests for their region, focusing on place-based education.  Place-based education is exactly what it sounds like, learning about something right in the place where it is, rather than relying solely on a book or the Web.  Hundreds of Quests were developed throughout the New England states, often by elementary and middle school children, but also by a wide variety of other interested parties.  

Each Quest supplies you with written clues, usually in a poem form, and a map.  We are currently updating our map, but this one works fine.

But what do you do on a Quest?

A Quest is a journey through an area using written clues.  It could be loosely compared to geocaching, but without the high-tech component.  All one needs to do a Quest are the written clues, which you can find here.  The clues will lead you through the walk/hike, inviting participants to notice details that may be overlooked, toss in fascinating facts about the natural world or local history, or encourage people to explore an area more closely.  

The end of the Quest is marked by finding a hidden box with a log book, stamp and perhaps other interesting items.  One is encouraged to stamp their Quest clues to prove they completed the journey and also sign the log book.

It's that easy and fun!

The Mill Creek Quest clues can be downloaded here, on our website, or simply picked up from the Quest Box at the trailhead at Headwaters Park.  To get you thinking about the history of our Park and what it's been through, here is a taste of mild spring flooding - 

Come try out the new activity and tell us what you think - we'd love to hear about your adventures!

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